Sunday, August 3, 2014

Kiki's Golden Birthday!!!

Another weekend has come to a close.  It was perfectly lovely, so I can bask in the good memories throughout the next week.  I am a little tired, though.  I'm realizing more an more that I am not a very good night owl.  My old age is catching up to me!   While we are on the subject of age, my baby celebrated her golden birthday today (turning 3 on the 3rd).  Can you believe it, because I for one, cannot!  Well, before I get sentimental, I better tell you about our weekend.  

On Friday morning, I took the girls for a walk in the neighborhood.  

That little white dot is Kiki!  She was trying to "win".  Win what?  I'm not sure. 

After our walk, we ran a few errands around town that included the post office, the grocery store and the library.
The girls finished the library's summer reading program.  They got to choose a new book each and were VERY excited! 

On Friday afternoon, we got a text from our friend Anca.  She invited us to meet at Strawberry Hill and meet their new little puppy, Stella.  I don't know why I didn't get pictures.  The girls fell in love with that sweet puppy and had a great time playing with Caroline.  

That night, we had a few friends over and made dinner down by the fire pit.  It was a little bit chilly out, so it was a perfect night for hanging out by the fire.  It really was so fun.  We didn't end up coming in until after midnight because we were enjoying ourselves so much!  I think this is going to have to be a regular occurrence, come Fall! 

On Sabbath, we went to Sabbath School and Church, and then home for lunch and naps.  During lunch, Kiki asked to be excused so she could go "dance on the back porch."  Who was I to interfere with that?  Here are a few pictures of what transpired on the back porch...

Man, she's got sass! 

Getting down with her bad self.  

Apparently, dance was in the air, because this was Rosie after naps.

One of Kiki's friends, Zoe, was celebrating her 3rd birthday at the park on Saturday evening.  It was only supposed to be cake and ice cream, but Zoe's mom, Tammy, outdid herself.  She's really got a knack for parties, and she did it again.   

These three girls were born only 2 days apart.  Sweet August babies all turning 3!!

Mark entertained the guests with his mad bubble blowing skills.  

I've decided to do a joint birthday again for the girls this year a little later in the month, but I wanted to make the day special for Kiki!  You only turn 3 once, you know:)  I decorated the kitchen with crepe paper and balloons and set a very special spot for her at the table.  The pictures are all blurry, but you can tell she thought the whole thing was incredible.

FOR ME?!!! 

Here she is running to see the balloons!

She thanked me over and over for it.  I love this kid! 

Balloons were a hit!  Thank you, Meredith, for picking some up for me! 

She requested "pammakes" and peaches. 

Keekster's THREE!!!

Blowing out her candle.  

I know this looks like some sort of hieroglyphic or something, but it's actually the "card" Rosie made for Kiki.  She got up before any of us and did it.  

Kiki got to choose our lunch destination, and went with Olive Garden.  She loves herself some breadsticks, salad and mac&cheese.  Who can blame her?   

Sweet family 

She's struggled a little with Kiki's birthday coming before hers, but this kid is still a sweetheart.  

I painted my nails today and I just love them.  I feel like my nails don't look right painted with a color, but polka dots, I can really get into.  

Mark put up our hammock and the girls had a blast playing in it.  We also worked on making a rock path, but I forgot to get pictures of it.  

Kiki also requested ice cream as her birthday treat.  

Lathan came along to help celebrate! 

This is Rosie right before she sneezed.

And her mid-sneeze!  Hilarious:) 

The girls were sugared up, but completely exhausted after we got home.  After baths, they crashed hard.  I didn't hear a peep from them after they got settled.  I'm still coming to grips with the fact that Kiki's three.  I don't have a baby anymore.  Where does the time go?  I seriously need it to slow down!!!

1 comment:

tashacolleen said...

What a great post! Miss you guys!