Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Will you be my neighbor?

What a beautiful day in the neighborhood!  It was so refreshing to have such lovely weather and the girls and I spent a lot of it outdoors.  Our water table had gotten damaged in our move from Chicago, but yesterday, I found a great deal on one and it was the perfect day to pull it out.  The girls had so much fun splashing and pouring.

My favorite thing to witness was them sliding together over and over and over.  They had the best time, with Kiki on Rosie's lap.  Theirs giggles and laughs were contagious!  It doesn't get any sweeter.

Trying to figure placement out.

Assuring little sis, that it will be okay.  

Ready, Set...


Kiki kept yelling, "Again! Again!" as she ran to climb back up! 

Making the long climb up!

 They literally did it like 30 times!  

The girls were pretty starved when lunch time rolled around and in honor of our lovely weather, I made a Spring inspired meal...

Butterfly peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with carrot antennas, 
cheese and cucumber flowers, apple sauce "suns" and marshmallow clouds.   

After dinner tonight, I decided to make a new recipe that I had been really wanting to try out.  It was fruit salsa with cinnamon and sugar chips and they were oh-so-good!   I ended up changing the recipe a little bit and it worked out just fine.  

Just dice up some fresh pineapple, an apple, a kiwi, and some strawberries.  Mix with a little sugar, brown sugar and a tiny bit of strawberry preserves and refrigerate.  While the salsa is chilling, place flour tortillas on a baking sheet and smooth with melted butter.  Sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon.  Using a pizza cutter, cut the tortillas into triangles.  Bake at 350 degrees for 10 minutes and let cool.  Enjoy!

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