I realized that I hadn't taken enough pictures of the girls lately, so I made it my mission to take tons today. I thought I would share a few. The first ones are from yesterday. I came home from running errands and Mark had redressed the girls to go to the gym with him. Kiki looked straight out of the 80's.
Her hair is something, isn't it?!
She's a Maniac!
Let's Get Physical, Physical!
Good Morning, Kiki!
Rosie, enjoying her fifth bowl of cereal! Both of the girls gorge themselves at breakfast and hardly eat lunch.
Today, Rosie and I have started working on her letter recognition for a few minutes a day. She loves it. This week is "A" week.
Her finished products!
Rosie REALLY, REALLY wants an American Girl doll. She has a Bitty Baby, but she's convinced that she's ready for the upgrade. I'm not quite ready to foot the bill, but I found her a doll that I thought was pretty sweet to fill in, until we're ready to make the plunge. We have settled on the name Gigi, which is a big improvement from some of the earlier ideas. The options, "Owl" and Bowl" were thrown out, so when she mentioned "Gigi," I grabbed on. I was telling my mom about our "Fake American Girl" and Rosie overheard. She got rather upset with me and said, "Mommy, Gigi IS American! She's American!!!" I hated to break her heart, so I've kept mum. She kept looking for Gigi in the American Girl catalog that came in the mail this weekend and she's not having much luck.
Meet Gigi!
Kiki had a rough morning.
Give the kid a snack and she usually perks right up.
The girls can be so sweet...
and so not sweet!
Kiki loves to blow kisses...when she's not pulling hair and hitting. Ugh...I've got my hands full with this one.
The story of my life. I see that mad face ALL.DAY.LONG! It can be frustrating.
But then they do this and I melt!
And this.
I mean look at those eyes!
Daddy stopped by today for a minute on this way from a meeting! We were glad to see him!
I loved Rosie's face here.
Wow, I really went nuts with the pictures today, huh?! Thanks for bearing with me. I'm exhausted tonight. I went to Zumba tonight for the first time since I've been sick. It was hard, but it did feel good to sweat. Now, however, I feel like I've been hit by a truck. I'm just going to lay here on the couch and watch Bachelor Sean make poor decisions.