Tuesday, August 9, 2011

So, one of us isn't too happy...

Well, it's 2:19 am and we have a screaming yelling crazy toddler on our hands.  She woke up and came walking into our room.  I took her back to her room and laid with her for awhile, but when I tried to get up, she went into the craziest horrible fit.  There was kicking and screaming and gnashing of teeth.  I have never heard her scream that loud and there was no way to calm her down.  I tried to lay her back down, but there was no having it.  If I went to the door, she ran after me and would open the door.  Mark came to help and he tried to calm her down to no avail.  Her cry was beyond excruciating and there was still no calming her.

We were at a loss.  Mark finally just kept rocking her (through her fighting) and telling her he loved her.  I came and set beside him and did the same.  She broke free and came into my arms.  She held me so tight.  It literally broke my heart.  I have been trying so hard to help her feel extra loved during this time, but apparently I'm not doing a good enough job.  She just wanted to be held by me.   I finally had to go and pump and I can still hear her crying upstairs.  

Please pray for Rosie and for us.  Help us to find ways to make her feel special and unique, while incorporating McKinley into the family.  We also really would love to have some sleep.  Thanks!  Love you all!


Melissa said...

Steph, I'm so sorry! Sounds like it's hit Rosie that she's not the only baby in the house. Remember that just like everything else, it's just another phase that will soon be over. The typical sibling issues aren't that bad, I promise it won't be like this forever and it WILL get easier! You and Mark will do amazing getting through this. And remember, I'm always a phone call away for "a little cousin time" for Rosie at our house! Love you!

Melissa said...

...And it has nothing to do with you not doing a good job of making her feel loved. This is something she has to learn to get through on her own. We will be praying for you!

Hanne Noel said...

totally agree with melissa. i was worried about hud feeling left out too. its a phase. and it will pass. you are doing great. she knows you love her. and its okay for her to have to share time with baby. dare i say, even good for her. try giving her lots of jobs to help you with baby. that will be something only she can do, and make her feel special. i will still use this with hud at times. "i need you to please hold this door open for me and the stroller because claire is too little and you are so strong". or, "i need a big helper to get that diaper out of the closet for the baby, but where is one?". bet she will come running. she needs a new way to feel important other than being your baby. :) go easy on yourself. its crazy. doesn't make it any less painful, but it will pass. you are a fantastic mother. rosie, is hilarious! sleep, is no more. for now. ha!