Monday, August 13, 2012


Am I the only one mourning the loss of the Olympics?  I'm dying over here.  Mark is at his softball game, the girls are both sleeping and I need some inspirational television!  My only option is Bachelor Pad, and I can assure's not the least bit inspirational, even on a good day.  Ugh!  What's worse is the thought that the next Olympics are another two years away!  Kiki will be three by that time.  It seems like an eternity...tear.

I went back to Zumba tonight for the first time in a long time.  I haven't been able to go because Mark has had softball and to be honest, I needed a break.  I was getting pretty burned out.  Anyway, it was tough to be back, but I know I need to get back at it.  At least I've been diligent with my pilates.  I love that class and try never to miss.  Do you ever feel that you go through peaks and valleys with working out, or is it just me?  I did find a Brazilian butt lift workout online that I'm going to try tonight.  It looks pretty grueling, but who wouldn't want their butt lifted by Brazilians?  Well, when I put it that way...

I'm really excited because my parents are coming at the end of August!  It seems like forever since I've seen them and the girls are definitely needing some Nana and Papa time.  There's always a part of me that is sad because it really is hard being away from our families.  It was such a luxury when we were in Chicago and had Mike, Melissa and the boys just a few minutes away.  It really is a blessing if you have family close!  For those of you who do, consider yourselves very lucky.  I always hold out hope that one day we will be near family again.

Well, I've really been Debbie Downer this evening.  I apologize!  I wish I had some funny, interesting stories to share with you, but I really don't.  Today was a pretty uneventful day.  Well, Monroe did throw the mother of all tantrums, but I don't think you are interested in that story:)  So, I better run.  I've got some intense butt lifting to do.  Nighty Night!


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