Tuesday, October 2, 2012


So, remember the ginormous hutch I've been trying to get rid of for forever?  Well, it found a new home!  Well, it almost found a home.  The people tried to load it into their van, but it wouldn't fit.  They are coming back tomorrow with a truck.  I couldn't be happier.  I also sold nine throw pillows.  I'm on a selling roll!  I've found the feeling I get from getting rid of stuff to be a tad bit addicting.  It's made me want to start a business selling our stuff.

A group of us girls started a Bible Study today.  We are doing the Women of Faith Series called "Celebrate".  It's about finding contentment in your life right now--being happy in this moment.  I think it's going to be a really good one.  Here's a link to it, if you are interested.  One of the ways it mentioned on how to embrace contentment is being grateful for what you have.  It also recommended making a "Grateful" Journal and writing ten specific things you are thankful for every day.  I'm not great at keeping journals, so I thought I would jot down a few things I'm grateful for right here, right now...

1) My amazing Husband and the amazing smoothie he made me this morning.
2) The sweet little giggles I heard this evening when I was giving my two little sidekicks a bath.
3) Our extended family, that always has been and continues to be our biggest supporters.
4) Being able to be a stay-at-home mom.  I don't say enough how thankful this makes me.
5)  The library.
6)  Having a mom that I can call anytime of day or night and know she's there to listen.  She's pretty great.
7) I have the best friends ever, but I'm especially thankful for Maria tonight, who was not only willing to help me with the bible study idea, but offered up her lovely home for the first one.  She's a gem, that girl.
8) I have the best hairstylist ever ;)
9) Apples and Caramel
10)  The mountains right outside my window.

Well, I've got a handsome man waiting to hang out with me.  How lucky am I?!  Have a great night!

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