Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Cheers to a new year!

Happy New Year, dear friends!  I hope 2013 is treating you well!

Yesterday, I spent pretty much the whole day taking down Christmas decorations and cleaning.  For some reason it always makes me a little sad to take it all down.  The house seems so much fuller and warmer during Christmas and taking it all down makes it feel a little bit naked.  It's all pretty bare.

My mountain of Christmas stuff.  It's now all stored away for next year.

Luckily, the excitement of a brand new year perks me right back up.  There's something about getting the chance to start fresh that is so invigorating.  I haven't quite pinned down my resolution(s) for this year, (I know, I'm running late) but I do know a few things that I want to focus on:

1)  Love everybody more.  Love my husband, my kids, my family and friends more.  Love those that make me upset.  Love those that hurt my feelings or stress me out.  Love those that aren't very nice.  I want to be someone that doesn't get riled easily and always has a kind word to say.

2)  Enjoy every moment.  I don't want to look back at my life and feel like I didn't use my time wisely and wasted precious moments with the ones I love.  I want to be more intentional on using every day, every moment, to it's fullest.

3)  Let it go.  If there are things, people, or ideas I have that are holding me down or making me feel not good enough, I'm ready to let them go.  There's no reason to be miserable.

4) Just do it.  I have always been nervous of stepping out of the box and trying new things.  This year, I  hope to step outside of my box a little more often.

So anyway, as I ponder my resolution for this year, I'll leave you with some pictures of the lights of my life.

This present was a big hit! 

She's obsessed with undies.  90% end up on her head. 

She loves the new cradle we got the girls for Christmas.  Her poor baby dolls don't get much rest, because she hogs it most of the time.  


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