Thursday, June 14, 2012

Happy 400!

So, I just realized that this is my 400th post!  That's a lot of ramblings over the last few years.  Thanks for sticking with me dear reader.

I know I already posted today, but I wanted to ask you to pray for Kiki.  I took her temperature tonight and she has a fever of 102.5.  Poor little thing.  We gave her a lukewarm bath and are going back and forth with tylenol and advil.  She's still in great spirits and is eating well, so hopefully this will pass quickly.

I also feel compelled to tell you about the two weird things I saw tonight when we went for a little family drive.

1) An Albino Squirrel.  It was white and it looked like a squirrel.  I'm assuming it was an albino squirrel.  I feel like it was quite an honor to get the chance to see that. Most people probably go their whole lives without that privilege.

2) A man by the side of the road pulled his pants down and mooned us.  Lucky for me, I was the only one who saw.  A grown man's bare white bottom...not as big of an honor.

Well, I better run.  Mark is making me a smoothie to enjoy while we watch the NBA Finals.  Oh, and I really need to "thunder up" before it starts.  Good night!

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