Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Embracing Lazy

Our family is complete and it sure feels good.  Poor Mark was beyond exhausted when he got home.  He literally curled up in a ball on the floor just a few seconds after getting here and yet, he still let me go to Zumba.  What a guy!  When I got home, he went up to take a shower and I put the girls to bed.  I went and laid with him and we chatted for a bit.  I told him I would take a quick shower and come back and we could talk.  I was gone just a few minutes and by the time I got back he was snoring so loud.  He never snores, so I knew he was pretty wiped out.  That was around 7:45 and he slept the rest of the night.  He really needed it!

Rosie was so sweet when she got home.  She screamed with delight and ran to me.  She's been super loving and wanting to hold me constantly.  I am eating it up!  I swear it felt like they were gone for weeks.

This was quite a lazy day in our house.  It's been raining for the last couple of days, and I don't know about you, but it makes me want to curl up with a good book and nap.  Today, we did the latter.  And it wasn't just any nap.  It was a nap for the ages.  We all three slept for at least two hours.  I wasn't even intending to. I thought I would just shut my eyes for a few minutes.  Oh, well.  It felt great!

I also went to the gym for awhile and did some running.  I'm the worst runner ever.  I don't enjoy it at all...never have.  I hear my friends say all the time how much they love running.  In fact, many of my friends are either training for or have done half or full marathons.  Then there is me.  I get winded thinking about running.  So anyway, I just started this new run/walk plan that helps you improve your running.  For the first week, I just run for a minute and walk for 90 seconds and repeat that eight times.  Very doable.  Hopefully, someday I will see the "running" light and learn to embrace my inner runner.  Who am I kidding...I have an inner walker.  Actually, probably more like an inner napper.

Tonight, we went over to David and Elizabeth's for dinner.  It was nice to get out of the house and spend time with friends.  They are also headed to Kansas City this weekend for Grandpa's memorial.  We were contemplating renting a huge van and all going together.  The thought of 5 kids and 4 adults in a van for 14 hours doesn't sound super appealing to me, but hey, I'm nothing if not open-minded.

Well, I better head to bed.  By the way, keep Melissa in your prayers.  She is super sick.  We are talking sinus infection, ear infection and pneumonia.  I KNOW!  I didn't even know it was possible to have all three of those at the same time.  Poor girl!!!  

Here are some pics of my ladies...

Wearing her cute dress from Auntie Nicole on Sabbath!  Thanks, Nicole.  We love it!!!

I found Rosie resting under the Christmas tree one morning last week.  I remember doing that as a kid, too.  I love that she enjoys the wonder of Christmas, too! 


nicole said...

So happy to hear that Mark and Rosie made it home safely. I am thinking of you all so much and hoping for a smooth trip this weekend.

Both of the pictures made me so teary. I can't believe McKinley is already big enough to fit in that dress. It looks beyond adorable on her. And Monroe is a girl after my own heart. That shot is perfection!

Love to you all.

Hanne Noel said...

love the Christmas tree pic! oh so sweet. i said the same to melissa, but i am off all weekend, and if you kids need any help with those babies, i would be happy to help out. i am so sad for the family, and have you in my prayers. travel safe. will add an extra prayer for melissa. :(